From singleton to reusable
During the development of a personal project, I first had my cljs namespaces dealing with state in a singleton kind of structure. One state atom
and that's it. Transitioning to a reusable logic meant that I had to start passing around the state
. All I have to do for that is to add *state
as the first argument in any function that deals with the state.
A "problem" appeared when I relaized I was passing around components in some custom functions that I had written (ie parsing tree maps and rendering leaf nodes with the provided element)
Picture this
(defn draw-leaf-nodes "You pass a map and it renders using the leaf-elem all the leafs which branch under the branch-key Example m (with branch-key :steps) {:steps [{:level-0-leaf true} {:steps [{:level-1-leaf true} {:level-1-leaf true}]}]}" [m branch-key leaf-elem] "the code..")
In my first implementation I could easily pass an element like this
(defun element "NOTE! *state is global in this namespace" [] [:div {:on-click #(swap! *state update :click-count inc)}])
And in the passed element I could modify the state. But as we said before, during the refactoring process, to make the namespace reusable, I have to pass around the *state
and not use a global state. So, our element becomes
(defun element "NOTE! *state is passed in the function" [*state] [:div {:on-click #(swap! *state update :click-count inc)}])
Perfect! But now how do we pass around this element in that draw-leaf-nodes
Enter partials
is a greate & quick way to pass around a new function where you "fix" the first n arguments yourself.
(defn partial "Takes a function f and fewer than the normal arguments to f, and returns a fn that takes a variable number of additional args. When called, the returned function calls f with args + additional args." ([f] f) ([f arg1] (fn ([] (f arg1)) ([x] (f arg1 x)) ([x y] (f arg1 x y)) ([x y z] (f arg1 x y z)) ([x y z & args] (apply f arg1 x y z args)))) ;; and goes on.. )
So now I can pass
(partial element *state)
to the draw-leaf-nodes
Reagent re-rendering
In my scenario, I noticed that now reagent was rerendering this partial element even though it didn't change. Just because in a higher level some state changed. But this particular element didn't need redrawing, so.. what gives?
Turns out that each time I was calling
(draw-leaf-nodes (partial element *state))
I was passing around a new function. To put it simply
(= (partial element *state) (partial element *state))
will return false. So it turns out that I was calling the draw-leaf-nodes
each time with a different argument, causing it to rerender!
Memoize to the resque
(memoize f)
Returns a memoized version of a referentially transparent function. The memoized version of the function keeps a cache of the mapping from arguments to results and, when calls with the same arguments are repeated often, has higher performance at the expense of higher memory use.
So now I can use the memoized version of partial
like this
(def mem-partial (memoize partial))
Thus I can call
(draw-leaf-nodes (mem-partial element *state))
without causing rerenders!