- D: I feel like banning pop music.
- M: Huh? You woke up grumpy.
- D: It's reggaeton that makes me grumpy. Up until recently you had dumb guys pumping up their music in their car and annoying the shit out of residents & people walking by.
- M: OK, I'll give you that, it is annoying.
- D: And now, you have people attaching portable speakers on them and cranking up the volume while walking or riding their bicycle. It's like Satan has discovered new ways of torture.
- M: Sure, that's annoying as well. But what's up with the banning thing you said?
- D: Well, look: 99% of the time people who do this will put on shitty pop music. Whatever pop is in that country. May it be reggaeton, may it be trap, you name it.
- M: Go on..
- D: So.. I just figured a solution. Whenever a genre becomes popular (in terms of what they play on the radio etc).. BAN IT! Make it illegal. Illegal for the radio, illegal for the bars. Illegal for the internet. Censor it, I don't know. You know what's funny? The individuals that "listen" to this music would never go into the trouble of searching for it. They consume because it's almost shoved down their throats. What on earth would those people put on their Bluetooth speaker then? I mean, if they go into the trouble of finding this now-illegal music.. good for them. I don't approve but, hey, since you like it so much I guess you have the right of annoying the rest of us from time to time.
- [D continues] On the other hand, there are genres of music that people would not stop listening to even if they got illegal. The point I want to make is that the majority of the popular music would go extinct if it were to be illegal. People would not care to look for it. So.. why not extend this idea and "ban" everything that becomes popular? It's like a test.
- M: I see. But, again, I think you woke up grumpy.
- D: Yeah, it's my bed. Remind me to find the manufacturer later, I'll close down their company. [murmurs the following] Let's see if anyone would miss them.